The Art of DJing The Art of DJing is a program to educate people on various levels on how to dj. The activity will be conducted by Teaching Artists (Members of the BE side organization) with grade appropriate curriculums on the history, technology, techniques, and career opportunities of DeeJaying. This program will be introduced to students in the ages of 5-18 virtually online using website in addition to partnerships made with arts and enrichment programs in the Baltimore, Los Angeles and New York area. We will provide on-site or virtual after-school lessons in public locations that will allow up to 20 students and the teacher. This activity will be funded by donations, spaces and equipment from the public, BE SIDE Organizational members, and community partners and DJ Showcases from the members during special and regular BE SIDE events. The program will be divided into two semesters, and run twice a week for 10 weeks per semester. Each semester will culminate with a scholar showcase to display skills learned over the course of time. This program will also provide our partner schools with entertainment services for an end of the year celebration for the ENTIRE student community. This activity provides the youth with mentorship, future advancement in the field of fine and performing arts and access to enrichment and the arts through dj instruction free of charge.Creative Writing for The Hip Hop CultureOur Literary Teaching Artists will provide grade appropriate Creative Writing curriculums within the framework of The Hip-Hop Culture. Our lessons will consist of writing prompts and exploration into how various writing styles (poetry, short stories, songwriting, etc) can be used in and created from The Hip Hop Culture. We will have the scholars examine and share their own Nationality, Ethnicity, and Culture through their writings. We will provide on-site or virtual after-school lessons. The program will be divided into two semesters, and run twice a week for 10 weeks per semester. Each semester will culminate with a scholar showcase to display the work they have created over the course of time. This program will be introduced to students virtually online, in Baltimore and New York city partnerships.
Media specialist Mixdays is a 2 – 4hr workshop held for members that wish to advance their media in the dj and fine and performing arts field. Each workshop is provided by members and volunteers that will share their expertise or resolutions with scenarios as it relates to performing in the virtual or in person realm of performance.Workshops will be provided either virtual from the website or at a local space within the Baltimore or New York areas of the upcoming meetups to provide members with access to a wider network of resources and professionals.
Virtual DJ’s and streamers will collaborate to raise funds for various organizations that benefit autism awareness, breast cancer, heart association, information and assistance to families and more.
A group of individuals consisting of content creators, DJ’s and streamers who either have family members or work directly with individuals that are diagnosed on the autism spectrum.
The “BE” side will provide assistance in coordinating schedules for the event and recruiting streamers. Promoting the event, communicating, distributing marketing assets(i.e. Flyers, overlays, emotes, fundraising links, creating verbiage for chat timers and creating sign up sheets) to those involved and assisting in raising funds as well as providing additional resources to the group where needed. During the events we will also help to keep track of program scheduling, assist with updates on fundraising goals and communicate them in real time. All funding for this event is raised by our members and the public.